Stephen C. Rea

I am a Ph.D. cultural anthropologist researching how people approach, use, and experience digital and mobile media. I have done fieldwork in South Korea with digital gamers and e-sports fans, researched digital financial services and cooperative financial institutions in the United States, and developed teaching modules about confronting digital extremism, among many other projects. My most recent research projects have concerned labor and inequality on crowdsourcing platforms, and ethics education in engineering curricula.
With over ten years of practical experience using qualitative and quantitative research methods, I apply critical thinking and interpretive analysis informed by an ethnographic sensibility to solving problems through careful, iterative research. Based on insights gained through observing everyday practices, I address shifting expectations for labor, community, and financial wellbeing in the contemporary world, and identify gaps between people's needs and desires and the tools that are available to them. I use communication skills honed as an educator at some of the world's top universities to make the implications of my research legible for multiple stakeholder groups.